Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
15 April 1966. Thought for the Week: "Peace indeed can be obtained, at least temporarily, by any nation, if it is prepared to yield its principles of freedom. But peace at any price - peace which passes the dreadful finality to the future generations - is a peace of sham and shame which can only end in war and slavery."
General Douglas MacArthur.


The world press is presenting the Vietnam situation as almost beyond saving by the West. We believe there are a number of indications which indicate that the opposite is true, that indeed the very hysteria of the campaign being waged by the scribblers of doom is an indication that events are going against them, and the whole international conspiracy of Communists and their dupes are geared to what is in the final analysis their chief weapon in the war against civilization: propaganda and brainwashing.

While Walter Lippman is telling us there is only one national leader in South Vietnam and his name is Ho Chi Minh, Melbourne Age 12.4.66 the Americans are hitting North Vietnam with heavy bombers for the first time in the campaign, and it is admitted that "chaos" will result if Air Marshall Ky is removed from office. It may be that realities are beginning to take effect on those close to the centre of American policy control, reflecting the hard educational work undertaken by "right wing" patriots over the last few years. The present crisis could demonstrate whether America will "come of age" in the battle against Communist aggression, or whether another retreat will be made in the face of the propaganda offensive.

Australian policy is also hardening and must be causing the Reds some grief. The announcement by the government that trade with North Vietnam had ceased completely as from last February is a step in the right direction. The increase in voluntary recruiting for the armed forces has increased significantly. In the army alone the increase was 1100 greater for the twelve months to January 1966 than for the previous twelve months. With National Servicemen the armed forces stands at a higher figure than at any time since the last war. Such matters as these are no doubt causing the Communists great concern and are the real cause of their present hysteria. We hope their concern increases.


Reports in the Australian press this week of protests by Australian trade unionists against the importing of cheap Chinese cotton goods have a deeper political significance than that of mere economics. The fact that the cotton goods, frozen fish etc. are underwritten and produced by slave labour is of secondary importance to the psychological warfare being waged upon Australians to undermine opposition to a strong line against Communism. After all if you can continually point to how normal two way trade is being conducted between two countries, how can they be anything else but the best of friends?
With the North Vietnam trade now closed by Australia the Chinese are moving to implicate Australia more and more into the trade dilemma.


The reply of Rhodesia's Prime Minister Mr. Ian Smith to the question asking him what he thought of the United Nations sanctioning the use of force to stop oil from going to Rhodesia is typical of the fighting spirit of the man and those he represents. How can such people be defeated when they see the issues so clearly and refuse to be browbeaten by intimidation?
The mere name of the United Nations seems to strike terror into the hearts of most Western politicians. They fall over one another when assuming office to spell out clearly their allegiance and belief in this tower of babel which has done more to destroy Western Christian civilization than any other force. But to a man who has not lost his correct sense of proportion and whose values remain constant, the picture of this monolithic bag of wind, supposedly erected to preserve "peace", but in fact advocating war against a mere handful of peaceful citizens; then to that man the whole thing is "a bit of a joke".

To keep things in their correct perspective is the art of living. With the Rhodesians it enables them to pursue the positive actions, which prepare them for eventualities just in case the "bit of a joke" gets out of hand.


Hitherto British policy in the U.N. has consistently refused to accept the principle of interference in affairs, which she considered domestic, the province of British administration and no other. The Australian 13.4.66 reports a comment by the Daily Telegraph in England that in asking the U.N. support for a forceful blockade of oil supplies to Rhodesia, Britain had given the U.N. a weapon that one day may be turned against her.

"Appalling precedents have been created wholesale."
"As the farce in the Security Council showed, tougher action against Rhodesia, far from placating the Afro-Asians, including Commonwealth members, has whetted their appetites."
"With Russia they want nothing less than the full use of force against Rhodesia."

The principle of indiscriminate application of force has always been resisted by nations claiming sovereign powers over which the U.N. has no right to trespass. The Wilson Governments action has indeed created an "appalling precedent."

We can easily conceive of a time when Australia's domestic policies could similarly come under U.N. attack. Any future British government would then have to contend with the precedent created by the present policy. However again we must come back to the realities of what motivates Harold Wilson and his henchmen. Their primary loyalty is not to Britain, but to the international society of which Russia, China and the United Nations are the prototypes. Therefore any breakdown in national sovereignty is not a tragedy but a blessing to them.


It was refreshing to see that on the Conscription and Vietnam issue there is still some worthwhile leadership within the Churches. Bishop A.F. Fox publicly disassociated himself from the stand taken by the leading Catholic journal in Melbourne The Advocate, and justified government policy. Letters to the editor demonstrated how much this was appreciated by Catholic laity and clergy alike. In Sydney three Bishops-Coadjutors the Church of England also issued a statement supporting the policies of the government. Many woolly minded Christians seem to argue there is no connection between Christian responsibility and national safety.

The in-roads of the so-called "democratic" vote have removed from those in authority any responsibility for leadership. Now that every one is equal, decisions of national importance are resolved by popular demonstrations, not by responsible parliaments and cabinets. So goes the argument. There are times of crisis within the life of all nations. Australia an outpost in an area where the forces seeking to destroy her type of civilization are on the offensive. At such times people need leadership. If there is not sufficient strength within the community to provide it they will perish.


The Bundaberg News 4.4.66 reports that Wide Bay-Burnett R.S.L. district conference passed a resolution asking the Federal executive to express strong disapproval of the appointment of Mr. William Wieland, "in view of his known communistic leanings." Of twenty-four sub-branches represented at the conference only one voted against the motion. The evidence against William Wieland that he failed to pass on repeated warnings about the Communist background of Castro is overwhelming. Men of the calibre of Earl Smith the former American Ambassador to Cuba testified to how Wieland did his best to promote Castro and block any American action against him.

It is argued that Wieland despite the evidence against him has been given a clearance by the American government and therefore the Australian government has no option but to accept him. This should not stop Australian citizens protesting to their government. In fact it would indicate that there was little real health in the community if such protests did not come and it is fitting that the R.S.L., which often incurs the wrath of the Communist movement for its defence of Australia's internal and external security, should take up this question. It is to be hoped that those in high places can be shifted on this question and a formal request be made to the American government that Mr. Wieland be sent home.

The Intelligence Survey, September 1965, the League's monthly journal gives an illuminating account of evidence given at a Senate enquiry on Mr. Wieland's Cuban role. Also the book Red Star Over Cuba by Weyl gives fully documented evidence.


The proposal by postal authorities to put on female sorters at lower pay rates, and the installation of semi-automatic sorting machines reducing the labour content, were the underlying factors producing the recent disruption of mail deliveries by the regulation strike pursued by postal employees. Under prevailing economic policies the individual is penalised by industrial advances in techniques, which replace the wage earner with a machine. What should be a blessing and lead towards a fuller development of the individual's talents and personality, by finding some other form of "employment" for the displaced wage earner.


The economic sanctions against Rhodesia by Britain have produced some interesting by-lines. The British Treasury decision to block the transfer of funds to Rhodesia due on proved claims against British insurance companies has lead to the cancellation of Lloyds of London's registration as an association of insurance underwriters in Rhodesia. Also the loss of some 40 million or more of Rhodesian purchases in Britain indicates that two can play the same game.


There is no doubt that the international campaigns against both Rhodesia and Western policy in South Vietnam are at crucial stages. At the same time it is evident that the results of the hard work done by patriots in both America and Australia are beginning to show signs of bearing fruit. If the Buddhist challenge to the Ky government and American forces in Vietnam can be successfully met in the next few weeks, a turning point could be reached. There are a number of hopeful signs in Australian policy.

The decision to cease all trade with North Vietnam while only a small concession because there is little at stake in the form of trade is a step in the right direction and creates a precedent. We must capitalise on this. Also the government's decision to hold a public march of the battalion going to Vietnam to relieve our forces there shows a strengthening of official attitudes. When writing to government members these points should be mentioned and the government congratulated for taking positive steps.
However it should be stressed that until we apply the same degree of certainty to our policies towards Communist China and Russia that we will never meet the challenge of Communism in Vietnam successfully.

On Rhodesia we can say the government's position has not deteriorated and has possibly improved. The announcement by Senator Gorton last week that the Government would not impose any further sanctions "for the time being" indicates that the campaign being waged through the V.P.A,'s is having an effect. As each day goes by and the reality of the stability and peace, which prevails in Rhodesia, hits home to politicians and people, then the more flimsy and tenuous the Wilson government's attitude becomes.

As suggested in last week's bulletin members must be challenged on the simple issue of whether they support the use of force against the peaceful Rhodesian community.

It cannot be emphasised too strongly that the next few months or perhaps only weeks will be critical for both the RHODESIAN and the VIETNAM issues.