Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
23 December 1966. Thought for the Week: "The static periods were those times when the people of God tired of the struggle and sought a life of peace and security… God works as long as his people live daringly. He ceases when they no longer need his aid... Look around today and see where the miracles are taking place. Invariably where daring faith is struggling to advance against hopeless odds, there is God sending 'help from the sanctuary."
A. W. Tozer in "Koki Beach Newsletter", Papua - New Guinea, July-August, 1966.


"The immediate target is Rhodesia. The real showdown will be with South Africa. This was one UN diplomat's capsule summary of the forthcoming United Nations debate on compulsory economic sanctions for the rebel regime of Ian Smith in Salisbury" - William R. Prye, from the UN, as reported in "The Daily Star", Toronto, Canada, of December 6.

The unnamed diplomat at the UN has pinpointed the real purpose of the UN move against Rhodesia: It is to destroy South Africa's front-line as a necessary preliminary to moving into the final phase of the revolutionary strategy designed to remove all European control in Southern Africa. International Communism can then move in to control the vital international waterway around the Cape of Good Hope.
Fabian Socialist Harold Wilson is either consciously or unconsciously aiding the strategy of the international revolutionaries.

It is important to bear in mind that in the initial stages of every revolutionary movement, comparative moderates are required to give the movement momentum. As momentum grows, the moderates are swept aside by the militants. In spite of his claim that he did not wish a head-on collision with South Africa in his economic war against Rhodesia, Mr. Harold Wilson has paved the way for this collision. Under the pressure of the Africans at the UN, some who came to power by cutting the throats of their opponents, Britain's Foreign Secretary Mr. George Brown, agreed that oil should be included in the list of items which no UN nation must export no Rhodesia.
If the UN is to back up its policy, then it will have to act against South Africa and Portugal.

The Communists have prepared for the next phase of the revolution in Africa by abstaining from voting for mandatory sanctions in the UN Security Council. This gains them increased prestige with those Africans who fear that sanctions will not work, and who want force used immediately.

Before the UN Security Council decision, the Soviet urged the Africans "to put aside their serious differences and take joint resolute to eliminate Smith and his racists." Every objective observer agrees that without the support of South Africa and Portugal the policy of increased sanctions will not topple the Rhodesians.
The South Africans have, in the words of Mr. Schoeman bluntly stated that, "South Africa will carry on its trade with Rhodesia as usual.

"The Australian" of December 19 carries a London report: "Whitehall officials said last night that UN action would be taken against South Africa and Portugal if they continued to ignore the oil ban."
The stage has been set for another major advance by the forces of World Revolution.


"The Vietnam war is costing $300,000 for each enemy soldier killed. This is only one indication of the treasure being spent in fighting the Viet Cong These are other fantastic costs of what is often portrayed as a little war: B-52 bombers cost $1000 an hour to fly. A round-trip from Guam to Vietnam takes some eight hours, or $8000 just in flying costs. Each bomb load costs about $60,000. So far this year, about 425 B-52s have made this trip every month. This is close to $30 million for just the bombs and operating costs." - Quoted by "The Australian" of December 19 from "Washington Post Service".
The above facts provide some indication of the enormous cost to the USA of a war being fought under a "non-win" policy, which is enabling the Communists to bleed the Americans to death.

As Sir Raphael Cilento, eminent Australian authority on international affairs, said in an interview published in the December issue of "The Intelligence Survey". America cannot go on indefinitely bleeding economically in Vietnam, and that the Communists know this.

The Communists must be delighted with their tactics when Mr. Dean Rusk, representing the strongest single power in the world, the USA, has to do a 22, 7000 mile diplomatic tour attempting to recruit more aid from other countries to help it out against a tin-pot country like North Vietnam.


"The United Nations General Assembly's Trusteeship committee has adopted a 10 power Afro-Asian resolution calling upon Australia to fix an early date for the independence of Papua and New Guinea… African delegates repeatedly accused Australia of racial discrimination, economic exploitation, and refusal to give the territories independence." - "The Age" (Melbourne) December 19.

Using the Afro-Asian bloc as their forward-runners, the Communist revolutionaries are vigorously advancing their "anti-colonial" strategy. "The Age" report states that the Australian representative spoke for an hour before the vote on Papua-New Guinea, "obviously irritated because the resolution, as he put it, was not 'factually based.
"Someone might put to the Australian representative, Mr. Dudley McCarthy, and those who brief him that the Rhodesians also tend to feel irritated because the attacks on them are not "factually based."

Mr. McCarthy said Australia's answer was "no" to the demand for the fixing of a date for independence. It is to be hoped that Australia's defiance of the Communist-dominated UN continues. There is an excellent example to follow: that of Rhodesia.


No publicity has as yet been given in the Australian press to the vote cast by New Zealand in the UN Security Council in support of Mr. Harold Wilson's economic war against Rhodesia. In the various overseas reports before us, we have seen no mention of the New Zealand representative making any contribution whatever no the debate in the Security Council. New Zealand is currently an ad hoc member of the Council and was therefore compelled to make some type of a decision.
A vote against the Wilson policy by New Zealand, or even an abstention, would have been a bad blow to the Socialist totalitarian.
There was serious danger of New Zealand refusing to follow the British.

New Zealand's previous attitude at the UN reflected the growing pro-Rhodesian support in New Zealand. In a TV interview shortly after the recent New Zealand election, the Prime Minister, Mr. Keith Holyoake, admitted the strong support for Rhodesia in New Zealand, and indicated than the Government also had great sympathy for Rhodesia. It is known that Mr. Holyoake personally and a number of his Cabinet Ministers, are Rhodesian supporters.

In view of his post-election comments, why has Mr. Holyoake so dramatically shifted his position, even voting for the inclusion of oil in the list of items not to be exported to Rhodesia?
The answer is very simple: Mr. Holyoake was economically blackmailed by Mr. Harold Wilson, who pointed out to Mr. Holyoake how dependent New Zealand economy is at present upon the export of its primary products to Great Britain. We understand that Mr. Wilson suggested that if he makes application to join the European Economic Community, he would not be over-worried about New Zealand unless he has New Zealand on his Rhodesian policy. And so the New Zealand representative objectively went along under the threat of economic reprisals.


"'The Chinese Navy now has a ballistic missile submarine easily capable of a round trip to Australia or the United States. Pictures of the Chinese submarine were published today in the 1966-67 edition of Jane's Fighting Ships, the world's most famous naval annual for the first time. The Chinese submarine is the Soviet G class, and has three vertical tubes for firing ballistic missiles. Its surface cruising range is 22,700 miles, and the missiles have a range of about 400 miles.
A second submarine of the same design is being built an Dairen at the southernmost tip of China" - "The Australian", December 14, in a report from Peter Grose in London.
The above information should act as a chilling answer to those who have consistently stated that the Chinese Communists are no naval threat to Australia.


"A 10-15 year Soviet-French economic treaty was suggested by Soviet Premier Kosygin as an example of practical steps that could emerge from his talks with President de Gaulle. Such a treaty, he predicted, could form a solid basis for co-operation in the development of various branches of industry and open a broad road for expansion of economic relations.
Kosygin was answering questions at a press conference of 450 correspondents in Paris.
Stressing also the favourable basis for political co-operation, he said that although the two countries had different social systems, both adhered to the policy of peaceful co-existence." - The Tribune", Australia's national Communist weekly newspaper, on December 14.

The above is an excellent example of Communist dialectics and double-talk. From the time of Lenin, "peaceful co-existence" to the Communists has been a major tactical instrument in their strategy for conquering the world. The Communists also regard economic bridges between themselves and the non-Communists as a means of bleeding the West economically.
West Germany's new Socialist Foreign Minister, Mr. W. Brandt, keen to get Britain into the European Common Market, said recently that "'Germany for centuries has acted as a sort of bridge between the east and the west of Europe. We would like no fulfill this task to a degree again. The dividing lines are not as strongly felt as they have been in recent years."

With both West Germany and France offering to act as "bridges" to the Communist bloc, the Communists are understandably quite pleased with the tactics they are using to eventually take the whole of Western Europe without firing a shot.


A recent report by the Institute of Public Affairs states that income tax is hitting the Australian middle class harder than in practically any other country. The Institute also reports, "In Australia the present level of Government revenues (over 30 per cent of the gross national product) has reached the highest point in our peacetime history."
Australia's financial policy is determined largely by Fabian Socialist economists who believe in using taxation as an instrument of control. The Socialists and their Communist blood brothers are always pleased to see the destruction of a nation's middle class, which is essential for national stability. We would suggest that business men concerned about the direction in which the Australian economy is moving might devote a few minutes to studying Karl Marx's famous ten points for Socialising a State, particularly heeding those points dealing with progressive income tax and centralised credit control. Then they could proceed to a study of "The Fabian Socialist Contribution To The Communist Advance" by Eric D. Butler (price 46 cents) in which it is shown how Kenysian economics are designed to kill the free enterprise system.


This being our last issue before Christmas, we wish all our readers a Happy and a Holy Christmas and we invite them to go forward with us in the New Year in the campaign to halt and to rout the forces of Evil so rampant in the world today. The next issue of "On Target"" will be on January 20th, 1967.