Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
30 August 1968. Thought for the Week: "More and more, the world is being dominated and controlled by the organised forces of Godlessness.... The Godless army is following a perfectly mapped out strategy. It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, financial circles, and the press, cinema, radio, and television"
The Very Rev. Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Superior-General of the Jesuit Order, Vatican Council debate, September 27, 1965.


"...Dr. J.F. Cairns pointed out the irony that, in fact, the whole Parliament was supporting a communist Government. 'We are here this evening united in support of a communist Government - because that Communist Government was right. Dr. Cairns said"- The Age, Melbourne, August 27.

Events since On Target went to press last week just as the news of the Soviet "invasion" of Czechoslovakia occurred confirm that what we are witnessing is a carefully rehearsed dialectical move involving the complete co-operation of the European Communist leaders. Its purpose is simple, to confuse the West into thinking that in fact the Communist control from Moscow is weakening and that the satellite Communist countries are moving towards a genuine form of independence.

The reaction throughout the West has been just as the Communists would have wished it to be. The cries for sanctions and condemnation of the Soviet can be ignored. What is important is the overwhelming support and defence of Communist Czechoslovakia. In effect the whole world has been mobilised into a defence of Communism, furthering the viewpoint that there are different types of Communism. In being so maneuvered the West has again demonstrated that its ideological defences are completely shattered.

Had there been any real understanding in the West it is doubtful these events would have taken place in Czechoslovakia, but had they occurred because of a genuine counter revolution against Communism, then it would be expected that support and aid would be forthcoming to help those in revolt. The facts are however that Mr. Dubcek and his fellow Communists were not in revolt against Communism, but as they have repeatedly made clear, they have the exact same objectives as their Moscow counterparts.

To re-quote from On Target August 16, Mr. Dubcek, "…Everything we have done over the past month we took care that our relations with the Soviet Union and other Socialist countries not be weakened, but on the contrary strengthened". He was similarly reported in the American press on August16, when he stressed that "the alpha and omega of our foreign policy must be unity and alliance with the Soviet Union". Similar affirmations are contained in official Communist Party statements in regard to the unity of Czechoslovakia Communist Party with all socialist states in the acceptance "of the Marxist-Leninist concept of the development of socialism".
Nowhere in this so-called dispute is it evident that the Communist Party has lost control of the situation.

Those genuine Czech patriots who display opposition to the display of Soviet force have nothing to back them, and will no doubt be dealt with at the appropriate moment. The fact that Mr. Dubcek and President Svoboda have re-appeared after being given up as the first victims of a purge by the brutal Muscovites indicates the direction of future moves. Reinstated in their old positions the world will be told a great victory for liberalism has been gained. The Soviet, we will be told has bowed to the pressure of world opinion, and that liberal forces inside the Soviet must be encouraged. No doubt the dollars Major General Sejna has predicted will go to Czechoslovakia will soon start flowing, along with the whole concept that the satellite Communist countries must be encouraged similarly.
Trade, aid, exchange of "cultural" groups etc will be the order of the day, all at the cost of taking in troops to Czechoslovakia, accompanied by some well rehearsed propaganda and mob scenes stimulated by a few key cadres.


"South African Test cricketer Colin Bland was sent back to South Africa today after he tried to enter Britain to play for the Rest of the World eleven. Bland 30 was refused entry because of the United Nations sanctions against Rhodesia" - The Herald, Melbourne, August 19.

We have previously commented upon the pettiness of the enemies of Rhodesia, which even resulted in the refusal of the Wilson government to allow Rhodesian returned servicemen to be represented at a service of commemoration in London. The above episode involving Colin Bland the Test cricketer is highlighted by the refusal of a Victoria Cross winner, Rhodesian Mr. Gerard Ross Norton who has declined an invitation from the Queen to a reunion of V.C. winners. Offered a passage on a temporary passport, Mr. Norton refused saying it was hypocritical, that the British authorities would have to accept him as a Rhodesian traveling on a Rhodesian passport, or not at all.
Hypocrisy seems to be the ruling guideline for governments and politicians, with a few exceptions, over Rhodesia.

Mr. Paul Hasluck Australia's Minister for External Affairs repeatedly affirms that the United Nations has judged that Rhodesia is a threat to world peace, and has taken action under the necessary articles of the UN Charter to implement action. Mr. Hasluck seems to move in a world of fiction, which has acquired legal trappings; laws which are made to suit the situation best suited to its purpose, which is to impose a world collective state judging by the policies pursued.

Nowhere is this brought out more clearly than in the answer given by Mr. Hasluck to the question asked of him in Parliament last week by Mr. D.J, Killen. Mr. Killen asked, "Does the Hon. Gentleman recall that on 30.6.66 the UN Security Council adopted a resolution in regard to Rhodesia and said that it was acting in accordance with articles 39 and 41 of the charter. It determined that the present situation in Rhodesia constituted a threat to international peace and security. Without seeking at present to argue with the legality and justification of the resolution I ask the Rt. Hon gentleman whether he will concede that consistency in the conduct of international affairs has considerable virtue. If so can he say that Security Council action with respect to Czechoslovakia may be expected, more so in view of the fact that there was no evidence of Rhodesia threatening any country, whereas in the case of Czechoslovakia the aggression is both stark and clear".
Mr. Hasluck replied "I agree with the Hon. Gentleman that consistency is a merit, if not a virtue, but I would suggest to him with due respect there is also a merit in the conduct of international affairs to be careful about the analogies one draws between events in Rhodesia and the very deplorable events in Czechoslovakia. They arose in different circumstances and they present different situations to the world. With regard to the decision on Rhodesia by the Security Council, all I can say is that it was within the competence of the Security Council to take the decision that it took, and while there may well be differences of opinion as to whether the action was justified or wise, the fact is that an organ of the UN with recognised competence takes a decision, that decision becomes one of the facts of International Affairs. In respect of Czechoslovakia I suggest that we should wait and see how the situation develops before we even venture a guess as to what is the best way to deal with it".

We may be sure of one thing. No 'organ of the UN" will take a decision which will become one of the facts of International affairs" which will place the Soviet in a position where it is subject to a complete trade embargo by the rest of the world, where other members of the UN are instructed to cut all diplomatic relations with the Soviet, and her nationals refused entry to other countries. The simple reason why is that "it is one of the facts of international affairs' that the UN is an instrument of Soviet policy, and the sooner this is recognised by Australia's politicians and all others responsible for their country's freedom, the quicker will the so called "free" world come to grips with those who are being depicted as the enemies of civilisation for what they have done in Czechoslovakia.


"The Federal Minister for Primary Industry (Mr. Anthony) yesterday rejected criticism of the proposed new five-year wheat stabilisation plan by Mr. F.M. Davidson, the chairman of the NSW Graziers Association's agricultural committee" - The Age, Melbourne, August 27.

Once again we are witnessing dissatisfaction and turmoil caused by unrealistic economic policies. Early in the life of the present government a price per bushel of wheat based upon the cost of production has been guaranteed the wheat grower. With the depressed prices of other primary products lacking a similar guaranteed price structure, especially in the wool industry, more wheat has been grown. Under the agreement with the Government any difference between the cost of production and price obtained has to be met by the government, if the price is less than the cost of production. Due to the inflationary economic policies of the Federal Government the cost of production has continually risen and the consequent subsidy payment has increased, as world prices have not kept pace with Australia's inflationary economic policies.

It all goes to make a very sticky situation for the members of the Country Party who are given the assignment of selling to the wheat growers the unpalatable news that the government will no longer accept the old formula as a means of arriving at the amount of subsidy to be paid.
Under the old formula it is estimated a payment of approximately $140 -$150 millions would have to be paid over the next five years. Under the formula adopted by the Government it is estimated that only $68 millions will be paid. Obviously there are economic hurdles involved, not only for the wheat grower, but the welfare of the nation.
Depressing the price while knowing the cost of production will inevitably rise is not a policy, which will win friends and influence people.

Unless financial reforms are instituted which deal with those defects which bring about rises in the cost structure of wheat production - when the realistic facts are that production and handling of wheat is increasingly efficient - then the problem will continue, no matter what schemes are adopted. It is the rising cost structure in all branches of primary production, which has caused more and more farmers to turn to wheat. Even those original bone fide wheat growers have been forced to grow more wheat to try and maintain economic buoyancy.

When the problem of the cost structure is dealt with then production will be more realistically related to the genuine demands of the market, both domestic and world markets. The present arrangements will put the wheat grower more and more into the hands of the bureaucrats until the industry is completely socialised. In the history of such control there has never been a satisfied producer.



Venue: The Empire Room, Federal Hotel, 547 Collins Street, Melbourne. Time: Commences 2.15 p.m. Saturday September 7.
Speakers and Subjects: Mr. Eric D. Butler. "Is Communism a Conspiracy?" 2.15 p.m.
Mr. Tony McGillick. "Communism Inside Australia" 4 p.m.
Mr. Patrick Walsh: "Secret Communist Agent Who Changed the Course of History" 8 p.m.

Former undercover agent with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and international expert on the Communist conspiracy. Pat Walsh will take his audience into the shadowy world of Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, Kim Philby, Maclean and Burgess. and others. From Petrov in Australia, Sorge in Japan, Gousenko and the Canadian spy trials, to Philby in British Intelligence, Pat Walsh will trace the most incredible story of our times.

Fees: $1.00 per person; $1.75 husband and wife. Half fees for students and pensioners. Single session 50 cents, plus 30 cents for afternoon tea if required.



In bringing this discussion to a conclusion at this point let me summarise the main points in the previous two discussions.
We found: - 1. That the source of Authority is God, and that God delegates His power, or Authority to man.
2. That institutions erected in a Christian society should protect the individual from any abuse of power.
That the correct use of Authority is to maintain the superior rights of the individual. We have nor mentioned the use of free will by the individual in choosing whether he will accept the Authority delegated to him by God, and whether he will choose to maintain that Authority. However I think most will understand that this is the heart of the League's point of motivation. We seek to bring individuals to the point where they recognise the Authority of God, which has been passed on to them by Him, and that by their own free will they must choose whether to serve Him.

Opposed to this view is the concept that man does not have power or Authority from God, but is purely "matter in motion", i.e. he exists, purely to serve a material purpose.
"Authority" as such must then be held by those who "know best", without any reference to fundamental moral laws, but the individual is subject to laws deemed by such "Authority" as is best for him. This means that there must be those who draw power to themselves, for the purpose of controlling and directing others.

It is this attempt to abuse the right use of delegated power, and the refusal to recognise where Authority comes from, which is at the heart of Communism.