Now to Describe Looting as “Looting” is Racist! By Chris Knight (Florida)

It had to happen as part of the deconstruction of crime and policing.  The San Diego Police Department no longer will use threw term “looting,” which is racist, but instead, “organised robbery.” But is this term correct, when much of the eh, robbery, does not seem to be very organised, by some central command? And why is the expression “organised robbery,” not also considered racist, considering who is doing it? The Left want the cool people to be able to take whatever they want from stores. Fine, stores will close up in Democrat states, and people will face mass starvation. But I guess they are hoping that Republican states can be invaded.


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From Saint George Floyd, to a Blasphemous Depiction of Christ-Like By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Robert Spencer has covered the recent controversy over the Catholic University of America, which is ostensibly a Christian institution, displaying two copies of a painting depicting George Floyd as Jesus Christ. Spencer sees this as part of a trend among the globalist Left, to create a new woke religion. In many respects, political correctness, now called “woke,” has all the ingredients of a new religion, if not a fanatical doomsday cult. Of course, it is anti-Christian, and outright explicitly Satanic in many respects. Indeed, we have seen feminists and pro-abortion groups, openly welcoming the support of Satanist.


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An Undertaker Undertakes Exposing the Covid Plandemic By Richard Miller (London)

A UK undertaker reports on the pattern of deaths he observed during the initial covid outbreak, where the British government frantically were proclaiming that something like a new Black Death was sweeping this once green, but diverse land. His observation was that Covid-19 targeted the elderly with pre-existing illnesses, not the young and otherwise healthy, let alone children. Nevertheless, the system wanted this to be a general pandemic, or more accurately, plandemic.

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The Question of PCR False Positives By Brian Simpson

As far as I am aware, the Real-time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) for SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19, is used, or has been used, as a diagnostic tool in Australia, and across the West, although the CDC has moved beyond it because of the prevalence of false positives. Here are some extracts from a peer-reviewed paper detailing this problem. The paper dates from October 13, 2020, so the authorities must have known of the existence of this false positive problem for some time.

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Smallpox Returns? By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is some anecdotal evidence that a global outbreak of Smallpox or some related genetically engineered variant, could be the next Big Thing, since the globalist elite are on a roll now and going in, literally, for the kill. Smallpox may have been found in a freezer at a Merck facility outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and it was not supposed to be there. Bill Gates, almost in the same media cycle, warned about a Smallpox terrorist attack. And, the US government is already stocked up on smallpox drugs, as if it is ready to go. This could be Covid-19 on steroids and growth hormone.

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The Dangers of Masks By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola, the go-to man for sensible discussions of Covid, and other health matters, has put together a comprehensive critique of the mask mandate that has been slipped into the New Abnormal, with no public debate at all. So much for trusting “Science”! Most masks do nothing to prevent Covid being acquired, usually being improperly worn, being of the wrong type, and being contaminated due to not being regularly replaced. As well, there are ill-health effects from long-term wearing of masks. In short, it is a form of magical thinking rather than caused-based scientific reasoning.

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Gut Health and Alzheimer’s By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola in a now deleted post discusses the connection between gut health and Alzheimer’s disease. This at first glance might seem strange, but over recent years a vast amount of scientific evidence has accumulated indicating that gut health can influence brain functioning quite profoundly, even causing neurodegeneration. For example, in one study of 89 subjects, discussed below, high blood levels of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) and the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) acetate and valerate, were associated with large amyloid deposits in the brain, thought to be part of Alzheimer’s disease.

The usual disclaimer, that no medical advice is offered here, this being a review for information purposes only.

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Full Facts on Covid Risks By Richard Miller (London)

Total, is a great site chocker block with easy-to-understand critical covid vax literature, all linked to mainstream publications. This is as very useful service. Here is a small sample, which might help Australian critics. If the site takes donations, put this one down as worthy of consideration.

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“Original Antigenic Sin” from the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

This was a new concept to me, that of “original antigeneic sin.” Consequent immune response depends a lot upon the original infection. “A narrow-spectrum vaccine with suboptimal antibodies that only recognise the spike protein of the virus and not the "N" or nucleocapsid part of the virus will interfere or trip up the natural immune response. The spike protein will cause B cells in those with the vaccine to learn to produce only spike protein antibodies. These antibodies are slower-acting and less sterilising than the N antibodies, which are faster and more effective.” This is the “original sin,” having a limited immune response due to the way the vaccine is supposed to work. As detailed below, it is one hypothesis advanced to account for the surge in breakthrough covid infections.


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Informed Consent and Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement By Brian Simpson

A paper published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, has concluded: "The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE [Antibody Dependent Enhancement] should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent".

ADE is thew idea that there can be a paradoxical immune effects generated by vaccines, where produced antibodies actually aid the disease in question. The paper apart from addressing the issue of the lack of informed consent, concludes that there is evidence that Covid-19 vaccines could "worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus".

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Will There be Vax Riots? By James Reed

If the Covid vaxxes are made mandatory, and if vaccine injuries continue to mount up, what then? Former World Health Organization director Anthony Costello warns that making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory could cause “riots.” Given that riots occur for much lesser reasons, this is not implausible, especially if  the oppressive state moves to the medical rape model, when mere starvation is insufficient.

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Africa as a Covid Counter-Example By Chris Knight (Florida)

The medical elite predicted that Africa would be the hardest hit region of the world with Covid-19. Yet, African Covid death numbers are far below that of Europe and the US, even given low vaccination rates. Could natural immunity be the “culprit” here? Perhaps, if the Covid vax sceptics prove right, Africa could be the last super power … until nuclear reactors in the first world meltdown and bring the whole play of human existence to a radioactive end. Christians living under the protection of Jesus Christ are not afraid of even this, if it happens, as mortal flesh always passes away by one means or another.

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Nightmares of Blood By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Michelle Malkin has given a commentary on the present collapse of the United States, which should now be called the Disunited States of America. Yet after describing these true horrors, she does not go onto draw the obvious conclusion that America as it was known is already dead, and that he only hope That, or simply die.

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Euthanasia In Germany … for the Covid Vaxxed Only! By Richard Miller (London)

This is probably the height of covid absurdity, that anyone who wishes to be euthanized in Germany has to be vaccinated against Covid, or have proof of immunity. This is a continuation of magical thinking, that Covid is so deadly that it has taken on a transcendental dimension, beyond death itself.

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How Much More Evidence of US Election Fraud is Needed before Action? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been writing at this blog with Chris Knight, covering the US 2020 election fraud issue since the night of the election, when hundreds of thousands of Biden votes were dumped into the system. The amount of evidence of fraud was overwhelming at the time, but the courts were too corrupt to fairly consider it, or in the case of Texas, did not even grant standing. This indicates to me, that the US is dead, and that secession is the only way to go. But, for what it is worth, here is yet another report, where there is a video of an electoral official ordering evidence to be destroyed. It all takes my breath away, that nothing is being done about this. Trump talks but is part of the conspiracy.

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California Looting, On Such a Winter’s Day By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been an alarming rise in looting in Democrat states like California, due to many factors, including diminished penalties, less police, wokeness and economic factors such as inflation. Flash mobs descend upon stores and raid them, being the human equivalents of locust plagues.

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On Covid Vax Antibody Dependent Enhancement By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post has given a great presentation of the topic of Covid vax antibody dependent enhancement, a concept mentioned in many vax sceptical blogs, but seldom explained in the needed detail. In a nutshell, antibody dependent enhancement is the paradoxical situation where instead of a vaccine yielding immunity, the vaccine actually works to produce a more severe version of the disease than if one was not vaccinated at all. This has been seen for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and it is hypothesised to occur with Covid-19 as well, as SARS -CoV-2 is closely related. Here “virus-specific antibodies enhance the entry of virus, and in some cases the replication of virus, into monocytes/macrophages and granulocytic cells through interaction with Fc and/or complement receptors.”

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The UK On-Line Safety Bill By Richard Miller (London)

Dr Mercola in a now deleted post details concerns about the UK Online Safety Bill. While this Bill on the surface the Bill deals with potentially harmful contents, the mainstream media have used as examples of harmful content, anti-vax material and literature opposed to the mRNA vaccines. They are able to do this as there is no clear definition of “harm” in the Bill, which will allow the System to define as harm, anything they do not like. This sort of Act will then be used as inspiration for further oppressive laws across the once liberal democratic West.

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Fauci Flu Boosters Every Six Months! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid gurus Dr Fauci has been promoting the Covid vaxxes for babies and toddlers, but how frequently should everyone be jabbed, given the waning effectiveness of the vaccines? Fauci now says, that booster shots are needed every six months. But for once he seems to be more conservative than other vax fanatics, with some nations moving already to four shots. Not once does any of these people tell us why the vaccines wane and boosters are needed. Couldn’t saline solutions be injected for a placebo effect, with Big Pharma getting the same profit? Oh, the grand conspiracy, I forgot that we were in clown world for a moment!

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The Benefits of the COVID-19 Vaccines have been Exaggerated by the Drug Companies and Misrepresented to the Public by an Uncritical Media By Brian Simpson

As indicated by the title, Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, argues that there has been a number of non sequiturs committed, perhaps deliberately to promote the idea that the Covid vaccinates are safer than they actually are. For example, there is the conflation of relative and absolute risks. Relative risk is the ratio of the same outcome examined for two different groups. It can also be a different outcome for the same group. An example is the relative risk of a car accident after consuming alcohol over a certain limit, relative to no alcohol consumption at all. Or, the relative risk of a passenger travelling with a driver who has drunk alcohol compared to a driver who has not. Absolute risk is simply the rate of incidence of some outcome in a group, such as cancer in a population of cigarette smokers.


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