The Staggering Cost of Migrants, By Chris Knight (Florida)

This data is relevant to New York, but it should be of interest to readers in Australia and the UK, as it is one example of the enormous costs of immigration. New York city, as sanctuary city of illegal immigrants has spent $ 5 billion housing and supporting migrants. Since 2022, under the Biden regime over 212,000 asylum seekers have entered the N...

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Kamala’s Feminist Army of the “Undead” By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

US conservatives have neglected the political impact of a group who are fanatically committed to Kamala Harris, as they were to Hillary Clinton, never-married and childless American women between the ages of 20 and 45. Because of affirmative action, this group has done extraordinary well, and have a low unemployment rate, and tend, at least for Whi...

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UK to Adopt Blasphemy Law for Muslims; Return to the Dark Ages, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

This story shows decisively that multiculturalism, produced by mass immigration of people who had no heritage in the host country, was by design, meant to transform the host country. We have seen this being done right across the West, Australia being one example. Post-World War II mass immigration of non-Anglos, set up the environment for eliminati...

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Make Time for Blueberries! By Mrs Vera West

A nice article at Natural, which was a bit of a departure from its present political path, detailed the health benefits of blueberries. These little delicious berries are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients, which improve brain function and cognitive health, perhaps even holding back neurodegenerative diseases. Along with this, blu...

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Elon Musk: Civilisation is On the Line! By James Reed

"I have never been materially active in politics before, but this time I think civilization as we know it is on the line," Musk posted on X. He believes that if Kamala Harris wins the 2024 US election in November, which is virtually certain given the well-oiled Democrat election fraud machine, X will be shut down. It is highly likely that the great...

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Evidence that Migrants Take the Jobs of Locals, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Across the West, the pro-immigration lobby has rolled out the argument for mass immigration, that migrants do not take jobs away from local workers. In fact, they lie, migrants create jobs, such as services for migrants, ethnic food and the like. However, we all know at the street level that this is all bs. However, there is evidence from the US jo...

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Fighting Back Against the UN and WHO, By Brian Simpson

The World Health Organization pandemic agreement has been pushed to 2025 and has not gone away. WHO has retreated and at present is reworking the pandemic treaty to get over objections raised by various nations. The UN through various other measures, such as the Pact for the Future, is making a final drive to put into place world government, as cov...

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Using Tradies as Propaganda for Cashless Society, By James Reed

The article below tells a story about tradies not having much cash, and going cashless. So, the sub-text must be, do not fear Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), as tradies don't.Now the thing not talked about is that it is well known that tradies will do jobs for cash in hand that does not show up on the books for tax. The same thing was done ...

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Don’t Worry East Asia, Africa Will Supply Your Rocket Scientists! By James Reed

East Asia, China, Japan and South Korea have a birth crash crisis, with all these countries having Total Fertility Rates way below replacement levels. That means that without immigration, the populations are headed to extinction:

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All I am Saying is Give War a Chance! The Anti-War Protesters Need to Face Invasion Threat! By James Reed

I have had much to do this these anti-war protester types, usually young, and scared of fighting a real fight for freedom. They may object, with some merit, about wars being caused by international finance and the globalist forces, but usually their protests are fear-based and opposed to weapons as such. Thus, one narrative is the the communist Chi...

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The Covid Plandemic Will be Repeated, By Brian Simpson

Ian Miller, author of Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates (2022), has argued exhaustively that the mask mandates of Covid were a failure, not in terms of social control, but as public health measures. The closures were socially and economically harmful, and harmed children deeply, with learning difficulties that will last a lifetime...

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UN 2.0: New World Order Pact for the Future, Enslavement of Us All By James Reed

The UN "Pact for the Future" is scheduled for the 22 and 23rd of September, and the goal is explicitly to radically transform the political order of the West, but not Communist China. There is a deathly silence about this in Australia, even among the Freedom movement. But the UN is quite clear that the aim is to create a new international consensus...

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The Plight of Aussies Thanks to Mass Immigration, By James Reed

 This human-interest story from the Guardian shows the extent of human misery from the mass immigration tsunami, which has produced the greatest accommodation crisis Australia has experienced in this century at least, arguably in its history. There is no mention of mass immigration, coming from a Left-wing source, but still the point is made t...

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Jim Morrison of the Doors (1967) Opposes Kamala Harris! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is an anti-Kamala Harris advert which is very well done, showing just what can be done with computers to music. People on YouTube have created new Beatles songs, using audio scraps, for example: And now: "Parody songmaker Brian Coyne created the reworked video mixing actual footage of The Doors' 19...

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On Eating Cats: Illegals, Refugees, Migrants and Other Golden People Should be Respected for Their Cultural Diversity and Vibrating Vibrance! By Chris Knight (Florida)

All those conservatives getting upset by the reports of pets being taken, strung up, slaughtered and eaten by illegals, refugees, migrants and other golden people in Springfield Ohio, surely are suffering from Whiteness blindness. Springfield four years ago had 60,000 people, but the great Joe Biden shipped in 20,000 Haitian immigrants. That really...

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Trust Me I’m a Doctor: The Burning of Heartburn By Mrs Vera West

This issue personally impacted upon me. I suffer from reflux, of the type known as Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), where the stomach acid goes all the way up to your throat. I have seen many doctors about it, had a examine with a camera going down my nose, most annoying. The specialist said that there was only one thing, to take proton pump in...

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The Lies about Climate Change Heat Deaths, By James Reed

There seems to be a fallacious argument that has circulated by the elites since at least the Covid plandemic, that X percent of people die or suffer some ailment from Y, therefore Y is a problem that constitutes an "existential risk." Thus, while it was clear the Covid infections could kill people who were aged and immune suppressed, so could, and ...

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The March of the Venezuelan Gangs, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been concerning news of the Venezuelan crime gang, Tren de Aragua taking over an Aurora apartment building, the Whispering Pines Apartments. There was video posted on social media showing alleged gang members entering the building armed with "weapons of war," as the liberal gun banners like to call them. The gang presumably would then tak...

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The Pope Praises Pro-Natalism, By Peter West

As readers will perhaps know, this lapsed Catholic writer has been a critic of Pope Francis for his support of globalist woke causes, such as mass immigration of the Third World to the West. However, he praised Indonesian for having large families: "And your country...has families with three, four or five children that keep moving forward, and this...

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Behind the Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov Arrest, By Richard Miller (Not in France)

Social media Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, who was arrested in Paris, is now out on bail. In his first Telegram post he commented upon how odd the French authorities were in the affair. The usual procedure was for the authorities to contact the social media company about complaints, and Durov had even set up a "hot line" for them to do so. "If a count...

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