Bette Midler’s Sex Ban, A Great Idea! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Bette Midler has proposed a sex ban over the Texas ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. I say, that is a great idea, since it will be Leftists doing it. I say, have the ban forever, so that Leftists just die out! That will solve the abortion issue any way. I was going to say something mean spirited about Bette Midler and sex, but decided that it was inappropriate in a family publication.

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Hey! Give Me My Vote Back! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is an indication of how terrible Biden is going: one in five Americans want to take back their 2020 vote for the senile one! Ok, but come 2024, what will these sheeple do then? My guess is repeat the same endless cycle of destruction until America is no more.

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Is Australia still a Liberal Democracy? You Mean Like Beijing Biden’s US? By James Reed


A great piece appeared in the liberal magazine The, arguing that Australia’s over-the-top response to Covid infections, which were not more serious than in other parts of the word, is indicating that the country is rapidly becoming post-democratic. Yep, I have been saying exactly that since the Covid freak-out, as we all refer to it, began.

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Here Cometh Mu! By Brian Simpson

The new Covid kid on the block, Mu, or B. 1.621, has made an appearance in Hong Kong, and it has given some signs that it is resistant to the existing vaccines. If so, that will throw a big spanner in the works of the Australian program, which is based upon an almost religious faith that the existing vaccines will permit a return to something resembling business as usual. But, it may not happen. We may be in an endless cycle of Covid Ground Dog Day, under the present paradigm of the Covid state.

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The Treason of Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have argued at this blog, that false president Joe Biden is a traitor. I now note that Representative Brian Mast (R-FL) has said that given Biden’s sweetheart relationship with a US enemy, the Taliban, Biden should be impeached for treason. If there was any justice left in this dying country this is what should occur. But instead, for the Left and Democrats, treason is a way of life.

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The NSW Covid Legal Challenge By Bruce Bennett (Sydney Lockdown Penal Colony)

This report, and it is all that I have, says that a Sydney law firm has commenced a legal challenge against the public health orders and mandatory vaccine pushes in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. It is argued that these powers are illegal and unconstitutional. Good for them doing this, But I fear that the court will probably uphold the status quo view. But, this does need to be done, for the record. Meanwhile, people like me rot away in our own prisons in solitary confinement. Look, I would rather have the death sentence and get it over with,  than life imprisonment.

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Vaccines and Evolution By Brian Simpson

I have been arguing for some time, that the present Covid vaccine culture, a manic desire to vaccinate everyone on the planet, will lead to the production of viral evolution, as seen in the parallel situation of the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. This piece from Quanta, argued for this thesis back in 2018, before the Covid freak-out. It has all we need to know.

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Happy Covid App Days in South Australia! By James Reed

South Australia was not established as a penal colony, and since NSW and Victoria were, there has always been a bit of jealousy from the crow eaters about us high status Victorians. So, my theory is that SA is just compensating now, with a new quarantine app that at random will require for you to show pictures that you are home, and not being a dirty boy and out spreading germs. It will not surprise me if some state is the first to reintroduce capital punishment and medieval tortures for those failing to Covid conform. Nothing surprises me anymore in this dump.

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Covid Concentration Camps Viewed by Americans By James Reed

Here is a commentary on the newly built, and being built, Covid concentration camps as seen by an American freedom YouTube site. Rather than me rattle on, just view the videos and consider if Australia is still part of the West, or has abandoned liberal democracy for technocracy. I trust a Christian man with a power beard.

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Covid Jab Enhances Delta Infectivity By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola puts the case for the Covid jabs enhancing Delta infectivity. It is possible that the jabs may be causing antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), where the vaccine actually facilitates a cascade of disease complications, so that one may suffer more severe illness from the wild virus than had you not been “vaccinated.” While there is not yet definitive proof that antibody dependent enhancement is occurring, one sign that it might be, is data showing those who got the vaccine early in 2021 are now at increased risk of severe infection. Even if ADE is not yet occurring, the vaccines seem to be effective only for a few months, and Covid guru Dr Fauci is talking about a booster every five months now. As discussed below, and covered in other blog posts, the vaccines are, according to evolutionary theory, most likely to produce an arms race between the virus and the vaccine developers, as selective pressure is put on the virus to avoid the vaccine to survive. And mutations come easier for viruses than bio-tech innovations for humans.

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At Last, Some Common Sense on Covid! By James Reed

The great article by Sam Shahin, Peregrine Corporation executive director, is entitled, “Gladys Berejiklian has done the nation a favour, now other leaders must take heed – Covid-zero is an unrealistic target.” It is the most common sense on Covid published in the mainstream in a long time. Here is the punch line, basically, live with it, forget zero Covid. Agreed.

“We are a smart nation and we can plan. The “train is coming” and the high beams are on. We must acknowledge that.

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Covid Booster Shots Every Five Months! By Brian Simpson

This is one reason why we pay close attention to the US scene, as we get an idea where most things are going, especially with Covid. Covid King, Dr Fauci, has said that there will need to be booster shots for Covid every five months now. So, the vaccine passport will expire without it. And it is every five months now, but in say, five months’ time, my guess the booster will be needed monthly. Ultimately boosters will be needed daily, projecting the trend onwards.

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Black Hawk Up, Not Down By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Taliban are playing around with the billions of dollars of equipment left by Beijing Biden, at the command of his CCP masters. It seems that most of it will go to Iran. The Taliban really don’t have much use for helicopters, and while it is said that they were operating a Black Hawk, they just used it to drive with, not fly. It would be great to use to round up the camels, for sure!

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UK Police Dogs Need Necks to Chew! By Richard Miller (London)

UK police dogs … have some pity for them, being trained to subdue and inflict maulings, but seldom getting the chance! Not even a live rabbit to tear apart on a usual day. Then along comes someone in an anti-lockdown protest. It is only natural that even while the protester is pounded into the ground by several police, the dog wants some fun too and will chew on the man’s neck for many seconds. Protesters should thank their lucky stars that the UK police have not yet resorted to their most frightening weapon, yet …  attack crocodiles!  When one of these scaly fellows sits on you and tucks into your neck, well, then you have problems!

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White People are Evil and Racist, Therefore I Bash! By Richard Miller (London)

The justification given by a Swedish migrant for violently assaulting a number of women was that “white people are evil and racist.” Really? If this was so, why would he be in Sweden in the first place? Anyway, I see that defence getting up in a few years’ time the way things are going, with academics already starting to champion the idea, as part of the Great Replacement and White Genocide.

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Schools, Part of the Grand Conspiracy to Destroy the White West By James Reed

If there was any doubt about the title claim, consider that the US Teachers Union is fine that kids know nothing about maths, so long as they are brainwashed on the communist ideologies of the present regime. I would say that our own Left wing teachers do not differ much. Schools have long been Left wing indoctrination camps, and no wonder that the home schooling movement is flourishing.

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Covid Powers Forever By James Reed

Well blow me over and call me a monkey’s uncle, whatever that old phrase means, Australia has extended the Covid freak-out powers for another three months, I am not sure when this started, but there is no beginning and no end in the Covid New World Order, the social equivalent of entering a black hole and at the event horizon, having time do weird things, like for eternity in a relativistic sense. Science is not my strong point.

But why not three years, or better yet, three thousand years? Hey, what do you think Australia will look like in three thousand years? There are wells still in existence where Alexander the Great and his men got water. Will anything of Australia still exist in three thousand years’ time? My guess is that we will be pushing to make three more years, at least as anything vaguely resembling a liberal democracy.

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Believe it or Not: German Flood Looters Were Foreign Migrants! By Richard Miller (London)

Massive floods always increase diversity, and when one has floods of migrants pouring in as well, then it is paradise. When the last German disappears into genetic oblivion, the diversity meter will go through the roof. Any day now.

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Do Covid Vax Deaths Out Strip Covid Deaths, Yet? By Brian Simpson

I doubt that the following report is universally true now, even with the alternative health communities’ assessment of Covid vaccines’ adverse effects and deaths. But, if the strongest of the vaccine sceptics views prove correct, it may well be that the “cure” turns out worse than the disease, not even considering the I am Legend vaccine apocalypse hypothesis, featured at Natural On this one, time will definitely tell.

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Is it Just Another Silly Covid Conspiracy Still? By Chris Knight (Florida)

As for claims about the contents of the vaccines, the graphene oxide allegation, reported below, is rejected by the mainstream sources, and regarded as “false news.” Still, as covered last week, there was the case of contaminated vaccines being uncovered in Japan, containing some metallic substance. So, it is at least worthwhile considering this view. Maybe there is some truth in it, but we won’t know if we don’t think it through and look further. But, the usual disclaimer, that is not taking a position on the actual science and medicine, and is merely reporting on the public policy debate, however controversial. We have only the following report to go on, without access to the studies, especially in non-English sources, so that is a further caution, but a problem journalist often face.  Of course, no medical or health advice is offered. So, her first up is the crticsal material, with the more controversial following:

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